Online Resources
Welcome to our resources page, where you'll find other websites
and organizations that have information regarding Cerebral Palsy or persons with disabilities.
Cerebral Palsy Medical Information

American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
A multidisciplinary scientific society that is devoted to the study of cerebral palsy and other childhood onset disabilities.
WebMD's overview of cerebral palsy. All-round website providing professionally researched information.
Drug Information is a comprehensive web site featuring extensive information about medications, drug interactions, and drug side effects.
Provincial Cerebral Palsy Associations

Calgary Cerebral Palsy Association
The mission of the Calgary Cerebral Palsy Association is to provide understanding, support, and resources to individuals and their families affected by Cerebral Palsy.
Cerebral Palsy Assocation in Alberta
The Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (CPAA) is a registered non-profit organization and supports people affected by cerebral palsy and other disabilities in the province of Alberta, Canada.
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy
The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy is a nonprofit charitable organization with a mandate to address the changing needs of people in Ontario with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities.
Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia
The CPABC supports people with cerebral palsy through advocacy, education, and recreational programs.
Saskatchewan Cerebral Palsy Association
The Saskatchewan Cerebral Palsy Association is a nonprofit charitable organization that ensures individuals with cerebral palsy the right to appropiate opportunities to achieve their fullest potential through education, health care and access to all amenities of the community.
Cerebral Palsy Association of Quebec
The Cerebral Palsy Association of Quebec aims to improve the lives of people in Quebec affected by cerebral palsy. English site available.
Cerebral Palsy Foundation (Saint John) Inc
The Cerebral Palsy Foundation (Saint John) Inc., founded in 1956, is the only association in New Brunswick that represents persons with cerebral palsy. The Foundation provides financial assistance to assist with the purchase of equipment, provides general information about cerebral palsy and serves as a support group to its members.
PEI Cerebral Palsy Association
Cerebral Palsy Family Support

ADAM - Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba
Calm Clinic
Canadian Health Care Products
Canadian Paraplegic Association (Manitoba) Inc.
Child Disability Benefit and Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
Community Futures - Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program
Community Living Manitoba
Community Living Winnipeg
Community Respite
Exceptional Parent
Independent Living Resource Centre
Literacy Works
Manitoba Family Services and Housing
Manitoba Health Education Resource Centre - MHERC
Manitoba Human Rights Commission
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
The Movement Centre of Manitoba Inc.
Open Access Resource Centre Inc. - OARC
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
Opportunities Manitoba
Province of Manitoba Government
Reaching E-Quality Employment Services
Red River College - Disability and Community Support Program
Registered Disability Savings Plan
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities
St. Amant
TenTen Sinclair Housing Inc.
United Cerebral Palsy
Westman Coalition for Employment Opportunities
Wheels of Fitness - Products Helping People Help Themselves
Cerebral Palsy Children Websites

Children's Hospital
820 Sherbrook St., Winnipeg: 787-2595
Emergency: 787-2306
Child Development Clinic: 787-2423
Dental Clinic: 787-2516
Children’s Special Services (CSS)
Manitoba Family Services and Housing
219-114 Garry St., Winnipeg
General Information: 945-5898
(provides supports to families who have children with developmental and/or physical disabilities)
Child Day Care Services
Manitoba Family Services and Housing
102-114 Garry St., Winnipeg
General Information: 945-0776
Subsidy Information: 945-0286
(provides information on Regional Day Care Centers including Special Needs and referral to area coordinators)
Childcare Advocacy Association of Canada
Community Respite Services (CRS)
1155 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg: 953-2400
(respite care to families and adults)
Manitoba Child Care Association
Winnipeg: Phone 586-8587
Manitoba Education, Training and Youth
Student Support Unit: 945-6064
Manitoba Family Services and Housing Programs
Open Access Resource Centre Inc. (OARC)
213 Tache Ave., Winnipeg: 949-2430
(provides technology, support, information and education on communication programs and systems)
Paediatricians – try
Manitoba Clinic: 788-5748
Family Doctor Connection phone line program: 786-7111 or 1-866-690-8260
Provincial Outreach Therapy for Children (POTC)
(services from Rehabilitation Centre for Children, the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities, and St. Amant Centre)
Program Office – 1155 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg: 204-975-3265
Rehabilitation Centre for Children (RCC)
1155 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg: 204-452-4311
(assessment and special devices clinics for children with physical disabilities includes prosthetics, orthotics, adapted mobility and communication devices, feeding clinic)
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities (SMD)
1155 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg
General Information: 975-3010 / 1-800-282-8041
(provides supports and coordination of services to families as well as leisure and recreational programs for children and adults)
Private Program, Movement Centre of Manitoba
1646 Henderson Hwy., Winnipeg: 489-2679
(provides Conductive Education programs to children and adults affected by movement disorders – fee for services required)
Specialized Services for Children & Youth (SSCY)
Cerebral Palsy Resources & Supports for Adults

Contact the following Manitoba agencies and organizations for information on services, resources and support for adults with Cerebral Palsy and their families:
ADAM – Anxiety Disorder Association of Manitoba
provides cognitive behavior – dealing with panic disorder and social anxiety
please call (204) 925-0600 or toll – free 1-800-805-8885 or visit
Canada Revenue Agency - Disability Tax Credit
The disability tax credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their supporting persons reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay. Being eligible for the DTC can also open the door to other government programs. For more information, go to or phone 1-800-959-8281.
The Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc
provides Aboriginal people with Disabilities Program – that offers employment and training/education services in Winnipeg
please call (204) 989-7110
Community Therapy Services Inc.
provides Physio and Occupational therapy assessments and consultations to individuals with disabilities
contact 949-0533
Community Futures – Entrepreneurs with disabilities program
provides the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program for Rural and Northern Manitoba
please call toll-free 1-800-665-2019 or visit
Community Respite
provides parents and caregivers of intellectual and/or physically challenged individuals the opportunity to take some time off for themselves
please call (204) 353-2400 (Winnipeg) or (204) 727-6214 (Westman- Brandon) or visit
Disability Issues Office
provides information on universal design, co-ordinate policy development to improve access to public services, raises awareness about disability
please call (204) 945-7613
E.A.G.L.E Urban Transition Centre
is a province-wide First Nation/Aboriginal that provides encouragement, advocacy, goal seeking, language, and empowerment
Enabling Accessibility
modifications to home or workplace to make safe and to increase mobility
please call (204) 475-0433
First Nations Disability Associations of Manitoba Inc.
provides peer support, advocacy, referral services, employment services
please call (204) 953-0310 or toll – free 1-866-370-9875
Government of Manitoba Employment Programs and Services for Persons with Disabilities
housing publications, brochures, and booklets
please visit
Handi-Transit – City of Winnipeg
provides pick up and drop off transportation service
please call (204) 986-5722
Independent Living Resource Centre
provides the following:
- Information and Referral: provides contact info, info on different issues like housing, financial support
- Kids on the Block Program: provides info to grades 1-5 about what it’s like to live with a disability
- Volunteer Program: provides info if someone would like to volunteer
- Brokerage Program: teaches you how take control of your life if living with a disability
- Self/Family Managed Care Program: provides info to an individual or family about the non-professional services needed to maintain an independent community living lifestyle
- Leisure Education Program: improves or strengthens social skills, friendships, and peer support
- Peer Support: program that provides support individuals who have concerns
- Independent Living Skills: provides info on seminars for different techniques or approaches to the challenges of independent living
- Qu’appelle Housing Project: independent housing/living
- Urban Entrepreneurs with Disabilities: program that provides info as to how to start a business
please call (204) 947–0194 or toll- free – 1-800-663-3043 for more information on any of the above programs or visit
Information for Manitobans with Disabilities
This web-based tool will help you find information on the services available for people with disabilities in Manitoba. The information is organized into user-friendly fact sheets that answer the most commonly asked service questions raised by individuals with disabilities, their families, care givers and service providers.
Living in Friendship Everyday Inc. –LIFE
provides resources, training, advice and guidance
provides the program called “In the Company of Friends”
please call (204) 772-3557 or visit
Literacy Works
help adults and youth with the opportunity to develop and improve reading and writing skills
please call (204) 786-1212 or visit
Manitoba Cerebral Palsy Sports Association
provides recreational sports: track, swimming, boccia
please call (204) 925-5682
Manitoba Family Services and Housing
provides information on the following:
- Supported Living Program:
please call (204) 945-5050
Residential Services
Day Services
Support Services - Vocational Rehabilitation Program:
please call (204) 945-1335
Vocational Counseling
Vocational Planning
Vocational Training
Support Services
Direct Employment Services - Employment Assisted Income:
please call (204) 945–3003 (Winnipeg) or toll-free – 1-800-282-8069 - The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act:
for more information please call (204) 945-1335 (intake services)
or if After Hours Emergency Service please call (204) 945-0183 or visit
Manitoba Health Education Resource Centre - MHERC
getting help guides that provides accurate information about mental illness and mental wellness
please call toll-free 1-866-997-9918 or please visit
Manitoba Human Rights Commission
provides information to reasonably accommodate special needs
please call (204) 945-3007 or toll free 1-888-884-8681 or visit
Movement Centre of Manitoba
provides Conductive Education programs to children and adults affected by movement
please call (204) 489-2679 or visit
Open Access Resource Centre Inc. – OARC
provides technology, support, information and education on communication programs
please call (204) 949-2430 or visit
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
helps people with disabilities to overcome barriers in their efforts to join the workforce
please call toll free 1-800-622-6232 or visit
Opportunities Manitoba
provides programs and services for young Manitobans
please visit
Reaching Equality Employment Services – REES
offers complete employment services to people with physical disabilities or health conditions and to employers
please call (204) 947-1609 or visit
Red River College – Disability and Community Support Program
programs develops knowledge/skills/ and values required to support facilitate, care for and enhance development of children and adults with disabilities in a variety of community settings
please call (204) 632-2573 or visit
Rehab Engineering/Orthotics
assistive devices and technology (computer adaptations) for adults with a disability
contact (204) 787-2202
Seed Winnipeg Inc.
provides the Saving Circle Program – helps low income individuals and families to save needed assets
please call (204) 927-9945
Society for Manitoba with Disabilities
recreation and leisure program for adults, please call (204) 975-3090 or toll-free 1-866-282-8041
ethno - cultural programs, please call (204) 975-3067
employment programs and others or visit
St. Amant
provides information on the following:
- Community Support Program:
Assistive Devices/Environmental Modifications
Seating and Mobility
Physical Therapy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Services
Personal Development and Behavior Management
Specialized Feeding Team and Nutrition Services
Educational Support to other programs - Family Care Program:
provide information/support to help care for a family member who has mental disability - Dr. McPherson:
clinic at St. Amant, RRC, HSC
please call (204) 256 – 4301 or visit
Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc.
provides the following:
- Supportive Housing:
Housing for Assisted Living
Fokus Management Inc.
Cluster Housing
please call (204) 339 – 9268 ext.# 236 - Learning through Living Program:
is an experiential program offering a hands on approach to skill and confidence building
learn and grow and make a positive move towards independent living
please call (204) 339 – 9268 ext.#10 or visit
Transcona Springfield Employment Network
provides assistance for individuals with developmental disabilities to live and work in the community
please call (204) 777-0302
Westman Coalition for Employment Opportunities
provides education and paid employment opportunities and integration in the community
please call (204) 726-6178 or visit
Winnipeg Citizen Advocacy
recruit and supports a trustworthy and caring citizen to build a relationship with one person who is vulnerable due to a disability
please call (204) 783-6516
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
provides information on the following:
- Assistive Technology: (offered out of Deer Lodge Centre and Health Sciences Centre)
provides equipment or product systems to that increases, maintains, or improves the functional capabilities of individuals with disability
provides clinical assessment, develop devices – electronics, AAC, computer access, automotive, mechanical and wheelchair controls
Electronics – please call (204) 787 - 2367
Automotive – please call (204) 787 - 2370
Mechanical – please call (204) 787 - 2370
Wheelchair Controls – call 787- 1757
Augmentative/alternative Communication (AAC) – please call (204) 831 - 2526
Computer Access – please call (204) 787 -1757
AT Rental Program – please call (204) 831 -2526
Cerebral Palsy & Disability Related Sites

Disability Scoop - Oprah Network Winner Opens Up About Cerebral Palsy - How to Exercise if You Are a Wheelchair User